Curriculum Overview

 At St Edward’s we want our curriculum to be as exciting and interesting for our children as possible. We want our children to be enthusiastic and lifelong learners with a passion for learning. We also want to make sure they are literate, numerate, good communicators and have all necessary skills to equip them to succeed in life. We want them to show respect, love and understanding for all people and the world around them- to love, learn, smile and believe and always do their best.

We also follow the St Edward’s to help us teach other subjects and deliver the curriculum in a fun and exciting way. The topic plan for this year can be found on the website but this is only part of the rich, varied and exciting curriculum we provide at St Edward’s. Much more information on the curriculum is provided each term in the classes section on the website and you are always welcome to come and talk to us about the curriculum.

We want to foster a love of learning for all children and we ensure that our curriculum is accessible to all children, including those who have English as as Additional Language or may have a Special Educational Need. We strive to create, teach and foster a love of a rich, diverse, broad, exciting and challenging curriculum. We work with our children, parents, governors and other partners to enrich and develop our curriculum to be the best it can be.


Click on the links below to see the progression maps in every subject:

Art Design Technology History Geography French
Computing Music PE Science Religion

If you wish to find out more about our curriculum and how it is taught, please arrange a meeting with one of the subject leads or senior leaders by contacting the school office.